Darth. Nader

Anakin. Over The Moon
Lestat: We are predators, Whose all seeing eyes were meant to give them detachment.
Lestat: Merciful death. How you love your precious guilt.
Claudia: I came to make peace with you, even though you are the father of lies.
Lestat: It's your coffin, my love. Enjoy it. Most of us never get to know what it feels like.
Louis: Why do you do this?
Lestat: I like to do it. I enjoy it. Take your aesthete's; taste purer things; kill them swiftly, if you will, but do it. For do not doubt: you are a killer, Louis.
Lestat: Oh Louis, Louis. Still whining Louis. Have you heard enough? I've had to listen to that for centuries.
Lestat: I am afraid, madam, my days are sacrosanct.
Lestat: Lord, what I wouldn't give for a drop of good old-fashioned Creole blood.
Louis: Yankees are not to your taste?
Lestat: Their democratic flavor doesn't suit my palate, Louis.
~ Interview with the Vampire
* And I'm trying to see All that's
- Good
* For me
- and each other
- Lots More
* and I Loved seeing that Movie
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